Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How To Make Cyclinder Pillows

bread with sourdough. My first.

Close your eyes and imagine it yourself. Morning of May, which encourages you to get up piejącymi kogutami. Crisp, cool air to wake your nostrils, and after a while can feel the scent of a rainbow of dew-wet grass, daisies and green leaves of apple trees. Imagine that you step barefoot on a cool morning breeze pebbles gently blowing in your hair, putting them in proper harmony only to you when
Trela \u200b\u200bBird radio in your ear incomprehensible twittering. Table covered with mist heralding the sun in the fragrant loaf colored nuts. Old-fashioned trade, practiced by all my forefathers and promising sound of crispy skin, which in the blink of an eye melt butter. Imagine that. Open your eyes. Bite.

original recipe by Olcika , available on the blog http://galeriachleba.blogspot.com/ . With not spelled flour in my impoverished (though not boasting, delicious) version of wheat. With butter and chives, or without. Remember how I wrote about the Low Beskid flavors? This definitely moved me there.

The author:

- 210 g active rye (dokarmionego 12 h before)

- 300 g white wheat flour

- 100 g spelled flour (wheat flour gave a further 100g)

- 20 g oil,

- 8 g of salt

- 6 grams of fresh yeast

leaven mixed it with water and added flour along with the rest of the ingredients. The dough for a good half zagniatałam hours, great cause at the same dreams, thinking,
and by the way it should be soft. Naoliwiłam him a bowl and put the dough on dwi e time (set the alarm clock ...). Grew nicely, but I had it risen, what it did. As we do not have a basket proliferative I put them in a colander lined can har omączoną cloth, and so I left an hour. I heat up a relic of communist regime, read - our oven, along with the plate, intended for baking bread. He put on a hot plate, and I set alarm clocks - one for 10 minutes to insert ice cubes for a crunchy crust, the other for 20 minutes to make the dish with water, and the third on 40 minutes as a reminder that the time to draw the bread. But after 40 minutes the color of me not content, so baked it for 20 minutes and it was a good move in my opinion. Anyway - check it out, I'm cut off yourself another slice.


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