very hard time coming to the campaign's end. Founded by our staff made a plan at 100%. We visited every district of Bytom, we have organized many festivals, which have proved to be a great excuse to meet population of candidates for councilors, the joint discussions, plans and initiatives. Proposed by us city juwenalia like let me call it a jubilee concert celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Polonia Bytom, met with warm reception residents of Bytom. Again, thank you for the whole of you, thank you also for the votes cast at me in the press primaries. I spent many evenings in the intimate meetings in the electorate, to mention only that yesterday, which took place in the common room of the Upper Silesian Museum. We talked about many issues with which every day faced the residents of Bytom: about problems and barriers to doing business, the real impact of the economic crisis on the functioning of small and medium-sized enterprises and the problems of our seniors ... I heard many bitter words of people exhausted by the daily struggle for a decent life. There were also words of hope, waiting for a breakthrough in a small country. I feel your expectations and the depository of all his energy, organizational talents, knowledge and skills will devote to these hopes a reality. This task is scheduled for the years of work of many enthusiasts, whose willingness to cooperate I hope to win. The first test is over, the next Sunday's elections will bring. Whatever the outcome - I stay here, I will work for the good of Bytom and its inhabitants. As President of the Polonia Bytom SA will continue to praise the good name of the city in the country and abroad, I will fight for decent conditions for the charges, employees, but also entrepreneurs. If you entrust the fate of my city, I will do everything in my power to Bytom more beautiful, became a place where it's good to learn, work and live.
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