long wondered about the content of today's entry. What to write? That thank you - that's obvious. Thank you for each of the 682 votes in support of my candidacy in the primaries Bytom. Thanks also to all those present for co-organizing this feast of local democracy: editorial staff of Life Bytom, sztabom election for their efforts to promote fair political competition, all bytomianom for their commitment and presence.
result obtained during Friday's festivities I accepted with joy and awe . I welcome the support received, on the other hand, I recognize the burden of responsibility for the fate of the community residents of our city. I will try to meet the expectation of voters, and the entire team of his colleagues will mobilized to create the best possible development strategy. Everything in my professional life I accomplished, bore the hallmarks of team success: together we have created a strong sports club, together we built the electoral front. This effort took the people are honest, hard working, committed earlier in various social initiatives. So far "away from politics", now decided to take matters into their own hands. For several weeks we are meeting with citizens to - listen to their voices - to answer the most pressing needs, develop the necessary hierarchy action. So it was in last weekend: on Saturday we were in Stolarzowicach on Sunday talked with residents Miechowice. Set of cases is very much, many of them require specific legislative solutions, not all can be settled at the local level, which is why we will fight to support our activities to the Sejm. Please, all who live in Bytom, that he became involved in the civil social movement by formulating specific demands, taking up discussion of the problems of the area. Only in this way can we develop a credible program of development of the city, a guide for future councilors and officials, which I hope - thanks to your voices - I had the honor to perform.
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