time of the election of our hard work comes to an end with humility, surrender your assessment of our ideas, hopes and achievements. Today we have launched our website kww.damianbartyla.pl , which have included biographies of 50 candidates competing for the City Council from a list of the Election Committee Damian Bartyli. From each of the five constituencies will be 10 candidates compete. These include local government and social activists, lawyers, teachers, educators, entrepreneurs, athletes and instructors - the people are honest and ideowi. They come from the Bytom district and for them plan to work. It is you who will decide which of the neighbors of entrusting the honorable function of representing the interests of the community in the city parliament. Choose your best, proven candidates. Strong Consolidated City Council ensures the pace of work and making important decisions, is an important driving force for the future president and government officials. Feel free to email contacts, ask questions, seek common solutions to important local issues. Opportunity for personal interview will be the last meeting with voters: o Wednesday 10 am: 00 in the commons, "Glimmer" St. Albert (you are welcome retirees, older people who want to share their experience, insights) in Thursday the chair. 18:00 the next election night will be held in the common room of the Upper Silesian Museum (entrance from the street. Pilsudski), and Friday in Bud's Lech Street Mochnackiego 34 last no longer welcome to picnic under the tent. The meeting was planned with the residents of Bytom from 17:30-20:30 hours. We look forward to your presence and voice in the upcoming elections on Sunday. A lot of good things happen - together for the district, along the Bytom.
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