Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Body Is Heaty Inside

World War I - Borczyca, Parski

7 kilometers from the towns on the border of the Russian-German lay Borczyska property belonging to my stryjostwa Gliwiczów (Kaczorowska it from home). Mother's uncle was one of six Hałłaczkiewiczówien of Przatowa the Szadkiem. As the family of the Father relate to my Mother and me with all sincerity. They learn about us and send the already burning Kalisz carriage with a pair of horses, which takes us to Borczysk.

How faithfully and truly Maria Dabrowska described these times in Kalisz in their "Nights and Days." My parents' generation still knew personally all the characters in the epic Earth Kaliska.

On the second day after our arrival in Borczysk, leaving Cossack border outpost watchtower (the so-called cordon) in Borszczyskach and passes to the east. As a boy of ten Cossacks helped to pack up and be Polish, as I predicted then, and rightly so. When approaching a quarter of Germany: two hussars on the tall, heavy, wypasionych horses. What a comparison with young, friendly chmyzami Cossack, which can be seen on the horizon yet.

Germany zsiedli of horses that podprowadzili them to the crane and began to drink. I stood at the trough of the curiously watching the magnificent rows of horses and weapons of hussars. I am very interested in putting rifles for the Germans with the horses: they were scheduled to be strapped on the saddles, which I really liked it, because it does not drain on kawalerzystom back, like a Cossack.

After water the horses hussars lighted cigar, dosiedli horses calmly and unhurriedly moved at a walk for the Cossacks still visible. I became disappointed and resentful at the Germans, the Cossacks did not catch up and do not shoot each other.

After a month stay in Borczyskach mother asked his uncle about the horses and carriages, to get something on the other side of the front and dobrnąć finally to Warsaw. My uncle advised risky expedition through the front between the two armies, but the grandmother and mother, as almost always were able to stand your ground. The next day at dawn we set off from the guest Borczysk east. We drove 16 hours with dwoam poasami for feeding and resting horses dodging visible in the distance between the troops. Horse patrols encountered German dopytywały by Cossacks. We have not seen direct combat, could be heard only rumblings of heavy artillery and missile explosions seen. In the end, not knowing when, we passed the front line.

Uniejów saw the first time the Russians, in Łęczyca was full of them. Finally dobrnęliśmy the snorting, 12 kilometers from Łęczyca property Olszowski uncle Stefan, the brother of Mother. This summer

Parski passed by the Russian army general Howikowa. Superbly presented themselves to the great divisions of cavalry horses. They rode four, the regiment for regiment, the squadrons selected horses in the ointment for two days and nights, the boat, stop the Germans in their march on Warsaw.

A few days later, the beauty of the army was totally defeated Howikowa by the Germans, who applied for the first time in this war, massive gunfire. Remnants of the retreating cavalry Parski throughout the day in the opposite direction now.

One day on the bridge at the park on the Ner River Prussian Lancers saw battle with Russian dragoons. I ended up on the fact that fired on one another with guns, not doing so ¬ form each other and parted harm to their own. Czymprędzej głodki picked up shells and cartridges from the magazine - the greatest treasure for a ten year old boy.

Parskach were already in a long time, and even then for a few years in a row, we stayed with my mother in a welcoming, warm-hearted uncle, Olszowskich, whose three daughters in a more or less my age were the most enjoyable for me, pleasurable company of which you can hope for in this age. So zżyłem with parskowskimi girls like a brother. This cordial relationship ever lasted longer among us.

Z stay in the nicest memories I have Parskach: the youngest Maniusią fished all day in the Ner River, flowing through the park, pike, perch and eels. Johnny was already the oldest adolescent for whom aunts decorating balls and fun dating, which came down to youth and the surrounding neighborhood. It was noisy and cheerful.


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