World War I - Lodz
After the Germans occupied Lodz, leaving the Parisian freestone to Lodz. Through all these peregrinations over the war since I did not go to school.
live in Lodz, of course, in the Grandmother Zhukouskaya factories Konstantynowska 98th Street Here, the factory workers from the children learn that I am a bourgeois, and they proletariat, which even at the beginning does not give us even play together. Later, the situation has improved, and every day, with weather from my contemporaries eleven Regina meet in our backyard at home, where the slingshot to shoot a dozen sparrows odsiadujących old cherry tree. Regina shot down sparrows patroszy pocket knife, bake on the fire and eat them with gusto.
The primary symptom of savage instinct in the human species is already in the youngest ¬ few years and later, in adulthood, transitions in the form of "cultural" sport hunting. And only in old age comes the understanding that organized, facilitated the killing of harmless, not guilty ¬ animals for their own pleasure, it is not men's javelin to fight the bear, but cowardly, mindless fun sportsmenów snobbish. A true culture is not allowed, does not permit killing animals regardless of form, purpose and arguments.
And so, in Lodz during the summer became friends with a blonde and then Regina and her sister Irma, who, however, already aware of it politically harder boczyła at me from the beginning and avoid both the learning conversations with me and shared playground. I for my part did not quite understand why I'm worse than them, which again I could not even explain to Irma. Not felt the the no fault, so forgive me in the end my background and welcome friends with workers' children on Konstantynowska.
my stay in Lodz is extended by the current war and is still unable to reach Warsaw. I go to the second class I-go gymnasia Polish Scientific Society 'Academy' Ceglana 9th Street So pass three periods of school completed my promotion to fifth grade.
boat from the time of Russian occupation, the period before the First World War-is brilliantly described by Reymont "Earth. Promised. "Difficult to find a more faithful, more real, true picture of the atmosphere, relationships and life of the then Polish manczesteru.
boat with its lush life, producing the country and abroad, rich in shaken financial scandals, while wearing one of ¬ riches one - the second collapse and bankruptcy. Classifieds working, working, anxious, agitated, injustice, extreme differences in wealth, German and Jewish wealth, poverty and severe living conditions of the Polish working population.
years I lived in German-occupied Lodz, already present a slightly altered image of the city. Ceased to be the Promised Land, but it was still the Dark Earth Interests even more ruthless and that during the difficult conditions of war.
In the year 1917 years to spread a rumor that the Germans deport plant and machinery to Germany. I was curious how to deal with will give out from the large hall in one of the factories, the great grandmother of the steam engine. The machine is fueled workshops throughout a factory. I actually feel Germans came from Grandma talked and began to disassemble one of the external walls of the factory. After zwaleniu planted walls and foundations under machinery and steel rollers in the yard a little funny reel connected to the system of blocks and wire ropes from the base of the machine. The soldiers left, leaving one of them, the old landwerzystę with a pipe in his teeth, who "sat at the whirlwind and turns the crank. After two days of filming such a great machine obediently went to the factory. Extrude it on several platforms and removing the artillery tractors on special railway wagons, it was only a matter of the next few days.
In yet the same year the walls of the factories are not only seriously damaged by the war if the fires continued. It was the month that, in the middle of the night we did not arouse shrill signals of the fire brigade coming to the yard light illuminated a raging fire. The manufacturers Jewish, lessor halls and placed their energy behind the workshop and after a longer or shorter period set fire to the production of workshops to obtain over-insurance or avoid the effects of financial crises, stock market bust, or other dark, criminal manipulation. Eventually it ended up being completely switched smoking one of the two big factories, which eventually forced the grandmother to have all their property and so the factories, a house-palace and garden.
In a short time after the sale of factories in Lodz, followed by the devaluation of the German brand, value it decreases from day to day, and later the hour. Grandmother loses everything. From now resides with my mother and me in Warsaw, which in the end we come from Lodz.
Even before his departure from Lodz, Summer 1917 years to spend with my mother Kemblinach Stryków in assets under Mstislav Olszowski uncle, married to Kotkowską.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Neueste Version Pokemon Shiny Gold Gpsphone
"White Lady"
One year Parskach more persistent than usual, appeared in the park, the legendary "White Lady". In the place where on a small island surrounded by a moat filled with water Ner embedded on a wooden pole was old, overgrown with moss millstone - has ever even last century, jealous miller to kill an unfaithful wife.
And since then, in summer, at certain times of the year and most often when the new moon appeared in the park, a mysterious "White Lady" scaring the white and the crunch of bones daredevils who dared to stay the night in this part of the park on the Ner.
One night, my mother, without saying anything to anyone, she decided to see the mystery of the White Lady. She dressed in black, took a shotgun uncle, Nabil thicker shot and night lurked spruces near the site of the most haunted by a ghost. And indeed, at one point, among the old trees show a white figure. Moment stands still, after a while headed slowly toward the adjacent orchard park. When she started to walk away from the place of ambush, my mother cried out sharply: Stop! ... I'll shoot! The spirit faltered and turned, knocked my white robe and began ¬ quickly away, losing the bitterly some sheets. Once the spirit was quite far imposed a mother at his feet and scored twice. There was a terrible cry and the spirit in a panic flight disappeared into the darkness.
And since then ceased completely stealing apples, pears, apricots and plums in the orchard, and the poisoning of dogs in court. As a result, the whole escapade mother earned a reputation throughout the area.
One year Parskach more persistent than usual, appeared in the park, the legendary "White Lady". In the place where on a small island surrounded by a moat filled with water Ner embedded on a wooden pole was old, overgrown with moss millstone - has ever even last century, jealous miller to kill an unfaithful wife.
And since then, in summer, at certain times of the year and most often when the new moon appeared in the park, a mysterious "White Lady" scaring the white and the crunch of bones daredevils who dared to stay the night in this part of the park on the Ner.
One night, my mother, without saying anything to anyone, she decided to see the mystery of the White Lady. She dressed in black, took a shotgun uncle, Nabil thicker shot and night lurked spruces near the site of the most haunted by a ghost. And indeed, at one point, among the old trees show a white figure. Moment stands still, after a while headed slowly toward the adjacent orchard park. When she started to walk away from the place of ambush, my mother cried out sharply: Stop! ... I'll shoot! The spirit faltered and turned, knocked my white robe and began ¬ quickly away, losing the bitterly some sheets. Once the spirit was quite far imposed a mother at his feet and scored twice. There was a terrible cry and the spirit in a panic flight disappeared into the darkness.
And since then ceased completely stealing apples, pears, apricots and plums in the orchard, and the poisoning of dogs in court. As a result, the whole escapade mother earned a reputation throughout the area.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
My Body Is Heaty Inside
World War I - Borczyca, Parski
7 kilometers from the towns on the border of the Russian-German lay Borczyska property belonging to my stryjostwa Gliwiczów (Kaczorowska it from home). Mother's uncle was one of six Hałłaczkiewiczówien of Przatowa the Szadkiem. As the family of the Father relate to my Mother and me with all sincerity. They learn about us and send the already burning Kalisz carriage with a pair of horses, which takes us to Borczysk.
How faithfully and truly Maria Dabrowska described these times in Kalisz in their "Nights and Days." My parents' generation still knew personally all the characters in the epic Earth Kaliska.
On the second day after our arrival in Borczysk, leaving Cossack border outpost watchtower (the so-called cordon) in Borszczyskach and passes to the east. As a boy of ten Cossacks helped to pack up and be Polish, as I predicted then, and rightly so. When approaching a quarter of Germany: two hussars on the tall, heavy, wypasionych horses. What a comparison with young, friendly chmyzami Cossack, which can be seen on the horizon yet.
Germany zsiedli of horses that podprowadzili them to the crane and began to drink. I stood at the trough of the curiously watching the magnificent rows of horses and weapons of hussars. I am very interested in putting rifles for the Germans with the horses: they were scheduled to be strapped on the saddles, which I really liked it, because it does not drain on kawalerzystom back, like a Cossack.
After water the horses hussars lighted cigar, dosiedli horses calmly and unhurriedly moved at a walk for the Cossacks still visible. I became disappointed and resentful at the Germans, the Cossacks did not catch up and do not shoot each other.
After a month stay in Borczyskach mother asked his uncle about the horses and carriages, to get something on the other side of the front and dobrnąć finally to Warsaw. My uncle advised risky expedition through the front between the two armies, but the grandmother and mother, as almost always were able to stand your ground. The next day at dawn we set off from the guest Borczysk east. We drove 16 hours with dwoam poasami for feeding and resting horses dodging visible in the distance between the troops. Horse patrols encountered German dopytywały by Cossacks. We have not seen direct combat, could be heard only rumblings of heavy artillery and missile explosions seen. In the end, not knowing when, we passed the front line.
Uniejów saw the first time the Russians, in Łęczyca was full of them. Finally dobrnęliśmy the snorting, 12 kilometers from Łęczyca property Olszowski uncle Stefan, the brother of Mother. This summer
Parski passed by the Russian army general Howikowa. Superbly presented themselves to the great divisions of cavalry horses. They rode four, the regiment for regiment, the squadrons selected horses in the ointment for two days and nights, the boat, stop the Germans in their march on Warsaw.
A few days later, the beauty of the army was totally defeated Howikowa by the Germans, who applied for the first time in this war, massive gunfire. Remnants of the retreating cavalry Parski throughout the day in the opposite direction now.
One day on the bridge at the park on the Ner River Prussian Lancers saw battle with Russian dragoons. I ended up on the fact that fired on one another with guns, not doing so ¬ form each other and parted harm to their own. Czymprędzej głodki picked up shells and cartridges from the magazine - the greatest treasure for a ten year old boy.
Parskach were already in a long time, and even then for a few years in a row, we stayed with my mother in a welcoming, warm-hearted uncle, Olszowskich, whose three daughters in a more or less my age were the most enjoyable for me, pleasurable company of which you can hope for in this age. So zżyłem with parskowskimi girls like a brother. This cordial relationship ever lasted longer among us.
Z stay in the nicest memories I have Parskach: the youngest Maniusią fished all day in the Ner River, flowing through the park, pike, perch and eels. Johnny was already the oldest adolescent for whom aunts decorating balls and fun dating, which came down to youth and the surrounding neighborhood. It was noisy and cheerful.
7 kilometers from the towns on the border of the Russian-German lay Borczyska property belonging to my stryjostwa Gliwiczów (Kaczorowska it from home). Mother's uncle was one of six Hałłaczkiewiczówien of Przatowa the Szadkiem. As the family of the Father relate to my Mother and me with all sincerity. They learn about us and send the already burning Kalisz carriage with a pair of horses, which takes us to Borczysk.
How faithfully and truly Maria Dabrowska described these times in Kalisz in their "Nights and Days." My parents' generation still knew personally all the characters in the epic Earth Kaliska.
On the second day after our arrival in Borczysk, leaving Cossack border outpost watchtower (the so-called cordon) in Borszczyskach and passes to the east. As a boy of ten Cossacks helped to pack up and be Polish, as I predicted then, and rightly so. When approaching a quarter of Germany: two hussars on the tall, heavy, wypasionych horses. What a comparison with young, friendly chmyzami Cossack, which can be seen on the horizon yet.
Germany zsiedli of horses that podprowadzili them to the crane and began to drink. I stood at the trough of the curiously watching the magnificent rows of horses and weapons of hussars. I am very interested in putting rifles for the Germans with the horses: they were scheduled to be strapped on the saddles, which I really liked it, because it does not drain on kawalerzystom back, like a Cossack.
After water the horses hussars lighted cigar, dosiedli horses calmly and unhurriedly moved at a walk for the Cossacks still visible. I became disappointed and resentful at the Germans, the Cossacks did not catch up and do not shoot each other.
After a month stay in Borczyskach mother asked his uncle about the horses and carriages, to get something on the other side of the front and dobrnąć finally to Warsaw. My uncle advised risky expedition through the front between the two armies, but the grandmother and mother, as almost always were able to stand your ground. The next day at dawn we set off from the guest Borczysk east. We drove 16 hours with dwoam poasami for feeding and resting horses dodging visible in the distance between the troops. Horse patrols encountered German dopytywały by Cossacks. We have not seen direct combat, could be heard only rumblings of heavy artillery and missile explosions seen. In the end, not knowing when, we passed the front line.
Uniejów saw the first time the Russians, in Łęczyca was full of them. Finally dobrnęliśmy the snorting, 12 kilometers from Łęczyca property Olszowski uncle Stefan, the brother of Mother. This summer
Parski passed by the Russian army general Howikowa. Superbly presented themselves to the great divisions of cavalry horses. They rode four, the regiment for regiment, the squadrons selected horses in the ointment for two days and nights, the boat, stop the Germans in their march on Warsaw.
A few days later, the beauty of the army was totally defeated Howikowa by the Germans, who applied for the first time in this war, massive gunfire. Remnants of the retreating cavalry Parski throughout the day in the opposite direction now.
One day on the bridge at the park on the Ner River Prussian Lancers saw battle with Russian dragoons. I ended up on the fact that fired on one another with guns, not doing so ¬ form each other and parted harm to their own. Czymprędzej głodki picked up shells and cartridges from the magazine - the greatest treasure for a ten year old boy.
Parskach were already in a long time, and even then for a few years in a row, we stayed with my mother in a welcoming, warm-hearted uncle, Olszowskich, whose three daughters in a more or less my age were the most enjoyable for me, pleasurable company of which you can hope for in this age. So zżyłem with parskowskimi girls like a brother. This cordial relationship ever lasted longer among us.
Z stay in the nicest memories I have Parskach: the youngest Maniusią fished all day in the Ner River, flowing through the park, pike, perch and eels. Johnny was already the oldest adolescent for whom aunts decorating balls and fun dating, which came down to youth and the surrounding neighborhood. It was noisy and cheerful.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Canned Oranges Metallic Tasting?
World War I - Altheide, Kalisz
First World War she found grandmother, mother and me in "Germany", in Altheide - Polanica. We had to hurry back to the country. Limit the Skalmierzyce closed. We lack the money, given the brand, not rubles want to accept. Mother gives the coffee at the station in Skalmierzyce, for which we get two days of lunches and dinners.
the platforms full of great-looking German infantry. Uniformed like needles, rose, merry fellows with new weapons and equipment, talking to each other in Polish! - Is the collection of peasants in the Principality (Poznan), after two days wmaszerowują and cross the border, "the Congress." Together with them we enter the German artillery caravans to Kalisz. Grandmother and mother spoke good German (with the expensive shopping Brzeźno rode up with a pass to the Breslau (Wroclaw). Polish soldiers finally they put us in their cars, and so we got to the center in Kalisz.
Here we have a Father's family: her sister Radolińską, Smogarzewską home. My aunt was a great run by the founder himself, known and valued high school for girls in Kalisz. My aunt adopted us and very welcome guests. Meanwhile Germany
go from Kalisz, leaving the city, set the howitzers and bombard the whole day to terrorize the people set fire to the city. Terror inseparable attribute of each, led by the Germans of the war, was to facilitate and safeguard the rule of the occupied territories. Kalisz on fire, a cloud of smoke over the city during the day, a giant glow in the night.
First World War she found grandmother, mother and me in "Germany", in Altheide - Polanica. We had to hurry back to the country. Limit the Skalmierzyce closed. We lack the money, given the brand, not rubles want to accept. Mother gives the coffee at the station in Skalmierzyce, for which we get two days of lunches and dinners.
the platforms full of great-looking German infantry. Uniformed like needles, rose, merry fellows with new weapons and equipment, talking to each other in Polish! - Is the collection of peasants in the Principality (Poznan), after two days wmaszerowują and cross the border, "the Congress." Together with them we enter the German artillery caravans to Kalisz. Grandmother and mother spoke good German (with the expensive shopping Brzeźno rode up with a pass to the Breslau (Wroclaw). Polish soldiers finally they put us in their cars, and so we got to the center in Kalisz.
Here we have a Father's family: her sister Radolińską, Smogarzewską home. My aunt was a great run by the founder himself, known and valued high school for girls in Kalisz. My aunt adopted us and very welcome guests. Meanwhile Germany
go from Kalisz, leaving the city, set the howitzers and bombard the whole day to terrorize the people set fire to the city. Terror inseparable attribute of each, led by the Germans of the war, was to facilitate and safeguard the rule of the occupied territories. Kalisz on fire, a cloud of smoke over the city during the day, a giant glow in the night.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Witty Lines To Write In Wedding Card
end of our apartment: (
Today is the day when we left our first flat (full day reflection - at least for me ... so many memories, the good and the bad, so many of those joyful experiences and those sad, but still in place ... well, now we have to muster and move on ... the worst is packaging, who would have thought how many things a man has accumulated through 3 and a half years ... and now decide what to leave and what is discarded, which memories are worth a stop ... important that the whole family that is done we are, Martha, and a cat who, if he does not know what is happening and it comes for us step by step ... no i do not necessarily need a million things, you will need to make a second - a sharp selection, we will manage somehow, most importantly a positive attitude:)
Today is the day when we left our first flat (full day reflection - at least for me ... so many memories, the good and the bad, so many of those joyful experiences and those sad, but still in place ... well, now we have to muster and move on ... the worst is packaging, who would have thought how many things a man has accumulated through 3 and a half years ... and now decide what to leave and what is discarded, which memories are worth a stop ... important that the whole family that is done we are, Martha, and a cat who, if he does not know what is happening and it comes for us step by step ... no i do not necessarily need a million things, you will need to make a second - a sharp selection, we will manage somehow, most importantly a positive attitude:)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Firefighter Retired For Chronic Knee Pain
year Youngest - Warsaw, Lodz
In 1907, my mother leaving me with despair Brzeźno grandmother and lives in Warsaw on the Raven 7 (later, the Wolf 62). His mother had even then the capital of what remained of the branches of the family. These were the most enjoyable year for Mother, a lot was riding around the world: Italy, Egypt (with his brother George Olszowskim) with me to Switzerland (Montreux), the Fiume on the Adriatic Sea, Abazzii, Trieste, and most with me to the "German" - Reinerz, Altheide (Polanica) Kudowa, Stolpmunde (Ustka) and Colberg (Kołobrzeg).
mother worked in Warsaw, a lot of socially taught catechism to children, she worked at the Society for the Protection of Women, taking care of young women who found themselves in Warsaw from the provinces in search of work. She was the night shifts at the Warsaw railway stations to look after women in need of emergency assistance and care.
At that time, my grandmother's situation Bronislawa Hałłaczkiewiczowej has changed. After the death of her husband Bronislaw Hałłaczkiewicza in Nauheim, grandmother run the farm itself is still in Brzezno; However, after one and a half years she re-married very unfortunate for the Casimir Żukowski, businessman and bonvivera from Lodz who grandmother persuaded to sell and purchase Brzeźno factories in Lodz. Transactions unfortunately came to fruition, and after ten years have led to the liquidation of the factories. In Lodz, so bought two large factories in residential applications Konstantynowska Street Nr. 98, 100 and 102 To Grandmother were only walls with weapons, light and driving force: electricity for one factory, for the second room, a house-palace, fruit garden and yard. These factories leased manufacturers primarily Jews, installed both their workshops produced textiles and textiles for its own account. Until the outbreak of the First World War brought grandmother factory revenue, which she shared with my mother. Financial control ran Grandma's brother, my uncle George Olszowski coming every month from Warsaw to Lodz.
For six years I was raised by a grandmother at the same time (Ie voto Hałłaczkiewiczową, II-e voto Żukowska) and Mother in Brzeźno, later in Lodz, finally, by the same mother was in Warsaw. For both I was in my life for all. Especially for Grandma, dissolved me completely. Mother staying with me longer had from time to time, to maintain obedience to beat me "on the wrist", but although I was always neatly hurt because mother was very strong, but I consoled myself that maliciously, that Mommy is beating costs more pain and sorrow than me. Despite this, or perhaps because of, for Mother was better than his grandmother because his mother loved but I was afraid of her time. His mother, even with me was not patient, but Grandma was for me just simply angelic patience, that I can afford it go unpunished teasing.
Much later, when I was much older, I understood the grief and humiliation as childish, stupid malice and dokuczeń permitted after the beloved grandmother. So it is with such loving kindness, for the innocent eyes of our children, and I think I was not worse or better than the others.
In 1907, my mother leaving me with despair Brzeźno grandmother and lives in Warsaw on the Raven 7 (later, the Wolf 62). His mother had even then the capital of what remained of the branches of the family. These were the most enjoyable year for Mother, a lot was riding around the world: Italy, Egypt (with his brother George Olszowskim) with me to Switzerland (Montreux), the Fiume on the Adriatic Sea, Abazzii, Trieste, and most with me to the "German" - Reinerz, Altheide (Polanica) Kudowa, Stolpmunde (Ustka) and Colberg (Kołobrzeg).

mother worked in Warsaw, a lot of socially taught catechism to children, she worked at the Society for the Protection of Women, taking care of young women who found themselves in Warsaw from the provinces in search of work. She was the night shifts at the Warsaw railway stations to look after women in need of emergency assistance and care.
At that time, my grandmother's situation Bronislawa Hałłaczkiewiczowej has changed. After the death of her husband Bronislaw Hałłaczkiewicza in Nauheim, grandmother run the farm itself is still in Brzezno; However, after one and a half years she re-married very unfortunate for the Casimir Żukowski, businessman and bonvivera from Lodz who grandmother persuaded to sell and purchase Brzeźno factories in Lodz. Transactions unfortunately came to fruition, and after ten years have led to the liquidation of the factories. In Lodz, so bought two large factories in residential applications Konstantynowska Street Nr. 98, 100 and 102 To Grandmother were only walls with weapons, light and driving force: electricity for one factory, for the second room, a house-palace, fruit garden and yard. These factories leased manufacturers primarily Jews, installed both their workshops produced textiles and textiles for its own account. Until the outbreak of the First World War brought grandmother factory revenue, which she shared with my mother. Financial control ran Grandma's brother, my uncle George Olszowski coming every month from Warsaw to Lodz.
For six years I was raised by a grandmother at the same time (Ie voto Hałłaczkiewiczową, II-e voto Żukowska) and Mother in Brzeźno, later in Lodz, finally, by the same mother was in Warsaw. For both I was in my life for all. Especially for Grandma, dissolved me completely. Mother staying with me longer had from time to time, to maintain obedience to beat me "on the wrist", but although I was always neatly hurt because mother was very strong, but I consoled myself that maliciously, that Mommy is beating costs more pain and sorrow than me. Despite this, or perhaps because of, for Mother was better than his grandmother because his mother loved but I was afraid of her time. His mother, even with me was not patient, but Grandma was for me just simply angelic patience, that I can afford it go unpunished teasing.
Much later, when I was much older, I understood the grief and humiliation as childish, stupid malice and dokuczeń permitted after the beloved grandmother. So it is with such loving kindness, for the innocent eyes of our children, and I think I was not worse or better than the others.
Bollywood Actress Not Wear Cloth
year Youngest - Brzeźno (Part II)
My grandfather Ludwik Mazurkiewicz, son of Joseph and Adela of Dzierzbickich (the Duchy of Posen) was born in 1839 in Przespolewie in Kalisz was married to Laura Hałłaczkiewicz, one of six daughters (there were three more sons) Hałłaczkiewiczowej great-grandmother, Rogozińska from home.
Hałłaczkiewiczów belonged to the key: Przatów Upper and Lower and Dziadkowice, all wheel Szadek estates on the eastern side of the Warta. Ludwik Mazurkiewicz
grandfather left his sons, Wieslaw - beautifully situated on the same worth Mikołajewice and Adam - Mikołajewicami bordering the west of the fertile soil fertile Socha. Louis's grandfather was a tall, well-built man of about two feet tall with a great black beard. Oppressive and violent was the terror of the environment; held briefly holding his wife and elder son of Adam. My Father Wieslaw he loved very much and dissolved.
Grandmother Laura's grandfather was the opposite: quiet, calm, gentle, resigned. It could not be happy, have a love of literature, she wrote poems.
My father was born in 1867 in
Moskurnia property near Kozminek in Kalisz. He was a typical intellectual: a very capable, he graduated from the Legal Department of the University of Warsaw with a gold medal. Mind strictly logical wide interests. Introverted, taciturn, disposed skeptical and pessimistic, this stemmed from a sense of humor. He could not stand opposition (Because too often he was right). Due to the conservatism of respect for tradition combined with a real understanding and appreciation of contemporary democracy.
The rest of his life he served as a magistrate in the nearby town of Warta n / worth, not taking a salary for two decades of work in court. In Mikołajewicach always gave free legal advice to all the hosts from across the area, then a great popularity and favor in the opinion of the peasants, that the judge is the epitome of Mikołajewic integrity, wisdom and justice.
in the nearby town, there were guard dozens of poor families engaged in shuttle trade. Wealthier Jews engaged in a profitable trade in timber and iron, which gave them substantial income - the poor Jews lived in poverty. Area traded fortunes of the poor in a very small extent: some poślady, sometimes calves, the skin of dead animals, etc., is also often przednówku family were in true poverty. Only after the death of Father learned of the poorest Jews were sent to them at critical moments, the przednówku after a few meters of wheat or rye, as a non-refundable aid.
Wieslaw Mazur
father was of medium height, delicate structure. After Hałłaczkiewiczach inherited Tatar beveled cut eyes, a round shaped head and slightly protruding cheekbones, it did not stop, he was in his youth a very handsome and had great success with the ladies. A more serious mood, not particularly fond of fun and companionship, for his student days he liked the wine with friends and colleagues. For sports
father did not show a special fondness. Fechtował up (I found the old German Mikołajewicach duel rapiers), ridden riding and hunting. My father very well shot. In Mikołajewicach in the park were still buried during the First World War pistol duel, which, despite their exploration of the Father, we could not find it.
After university he trained as a legal father, and went abroad to Western Europe, Paris. On his return he settled in Mikołajewicach. grandparent left him a fortune, we lived in Sieradz, grandmother later in Warsaw. In Mikołajewicach father remains is the time of her wedding, ie to 1903. Karolina Mazurkiewicz
After a year of marriage of parents splits. Too much was the difference of two strong characters and temperaments. Mother returns to Brzeźno, the Father remains the same in Mikołajewicach alone. Neither parent had joined in the re-marriage. His mother held a very costly divorce proceedings in the Vatican (rode for that purpose in Rome) annulment of the marriage terminated after twenty odd years! After the departure of Mother's father ran the Mikołajewicach completely solitary life: do not accept anyone, even family, except ciotecznych Smogorzewskich brothers, the prosecutor Janusz Warsaw and Cezary, a judge from Warsaw, and Wilczewski, engineers from Warsaw. The exception were [also] two brothers Kożuchowscy - Ignatius of Brudzynia k / Wheels, a friend of Father Telesfor, patron of Kalisz and Jan Unrug of Sulmowa in Kalisz. I do not frequented nowhere. Society in the neighborhood thought it boring and do not conflict at an appropriate level of intellect and education. For several years, Father traveled a few times to Poznan and Warsaw.
to characterize the parents can use their relationship to each other after breaking up a marriage: I never heard from the parents of the smallest excuses or complaints, never any bad word of a mother in relation to the Father, nor of the Father, the Mother. They came from one environment, both were of the highest quality.
My grandfather Ludwik Mazurkiewicz, son of Joseph and Adela of Dzierzbickich (the Duchy of Posen) was born in 1839 in Przespolewie in Kalisz was married to Laura Hałłaczkiewicz, one of six daughters (there were three more sons) Hałłaczkiewiczowej great-grandmother, Rogozińska from home.
Hałłaczkiewiczów belonged to the key: Przatów Upper and Lower and Dziadkowice, all wheel Szadek estates on the eastern side of the Warta. Ludwik Mazurkiewicz
grandfather left his sons, Wieslaw - beautifully situated on the same worth Mikołajewice and Adam - Mikołajewicami bordering the west of the fertile soil fertile Socha. Louis's grandfather was a tall, well-built man of about two feet tall with a great black beard. Oppressive and violent was the terror of the environment; held briefly holding his wife and elder son of Adam. My Father Wieslaw he loved very much and dissolved.
Grandmother Laura's grandfather was the opposite: quiet, calm, gentle, resigned. It could not be happy, have a love of literature, she wrote poems.
My father was born in 1867 in
The rest of his life he served as a magistrate in the nearby town of Warta n / worth, not taking a salary for two decades of work in court. In Mikołajewicach always gave free legal advice to all the hosts from across the area, then a great popularity and favor in the opinion of the peasants, that the judge is the epitome of Mikołajewic integrity, wisdom and justice.
in the nearby town, there were guard dozens of poor families engaged in shuttle trade. Wealthier Jews engaged in a profitable trade in timber and iron, which gave them substantial income - the poor Jews lived in poverty. Area traded fortunes of the poor in a very small extent: some poślady, sometimes calves, the skin of dead animals, etc., is also often przednówku family were in true poverty. Only after the death of Father learned of the poorest Jews were sent to them at critical moments, the przednówku after a few meters of wheat or rye, as a non-refundable aid.
Wieslaw Mazur

father was of medium height, delicate structure. After Hałłaczkiewiczach inherited Tatar beveled cut eyes, a round shaped head and slightly protruding cheekbones, it did not stop, he was in his youth a very handsome and had great success with the ladies. A more serious mood, not particularly fond of fun and companionship, for his student days he liked the wine with friends and colleagues. For sports
father did not show a special fondness. Fechtował up (I found the old German Mikołajewicach duel rapiers), ridden riding and hunting. My father very well shot. In Mikołajewicach in the park were still buried during the First World War pistol duel, which, despite their exploration of the Father, we could not find it.
After university he trained as a legal father, and went abroad to Western Europe, Paris. On his return he settled in Mikołajewicach. grandparent left him a fortune, we lived in Sieradz, grandmother later in Warsaw. In Mikołajewicach father remains is the time of her wedding, ie to 1903. Karolina Mazurkiewicz

to characterize the parents can use their relationship to each other after breaking up a marriage: I never heard from the parents of the smallest excuses or complaints, never any bad word of a mother in relation to the Father, nor of the Father, the Mother. They came from one environment, both were of the highest quality.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Herpes From Kiss Forehead
youngest years - Brzeźno (Part I )
My mother, Caroline of Olszowskich was born in 1886 in Niewiadowie, (family estate in Piotrkow Olszowskich - came from the nearby Olszowy) from Carolina with his mother and father Wladyslaw Zabłockich Olszowski born in 1835, heir NIEWIADÓW and the owner of the Mound and Beech.
The family tree house Olszowskich, conducted from 1376 years included the Archbishop Andrew Olszowski , who in 1677 during the interregnum, replacing the Polish King, which was cause discrete family pride Mother.
mother was the thirteenth child of his parents.
handsome, with a charming, gracious smile and stole the affection of all. Building strong, healthy, athletic well go riding, hunted, played tennis (gold dżeton Competition in Cairo with the British) and danced. Temperament was alive, she was happy, she liked the company, liked the logs and games.
character and mentality inherited from the mother Olszowskich and Olszowscy were typical representatives of our nobility: religious, patriotic, law, straightforward, energetic and emotional - on the other hand: bossy, stubborn, violent and impulsive. Innate goodness and his heart softened much these last trait.
took the then Education: Private sets of (Polish history, its history, culture, traditions), then the salary of Mr. Sierpińska in Warsaw, spoke French and German. Grandmother Carol
Olszowska of NIEWIADÓW died at birth, ie, the thirteenth child of my Mother in 1886, brought up by Mother had taken her eldest sister was born Bronislaw Olszowska in 1863 who now regarded as the Mother of my own daughter and then my grandson, she loved and pampered beyond all bounds.
Aunt Bronislaw Olszowska (always called my Grandmother) received by the department of family Brzeźno, stuwłókowy property, 20 miles south of Sieradz, Warta River on the west side. She married Bronislaw Hałłaczkiewicza engineer who worked on the Warsaw-Vienna rail. They were happy, loving marriage. "Grandfather" Bronislaw he settled after his marriage with Grandmother in Brzezno and now jointly cared for with all the dedication and heart my mother, as own daughter. Bronislaw grandfather was seriously ill with heart, not long after he died during treatment at the Nauheim.
In 1903 he took a vow of my parents. My father was the nephew of "grandfather" Bronislaw, as his sister Laura Hałłaczkiewicz grandfather was my father's mother, and now my real grandmother. Parents' marriage 'done' was probably the bake Bronislawa Olszowska ie, the oldest sister, mother, mother who brought up. Grandmother believed that both sides are doing good The party, which in those days, in this environment, was considered to be quite enough for marriage. Grandma, as Olszowska hated opposition, so the marriage took place despite the extreme differences in character and temperament of parents.
A year after the wedding, in 1904 Parents directions. Mother returns to Brzeźno, where the 19th of September come into the world. "Grandmother," Bronislaw Hałłaczkiewiczowa world can not see beyond me. Even as a baby I had a one-year fixed by the position in Brzeźno grandmother. May indicate that even a picture of the times:
evening over dinner in the dining room, sitting at a long table, As usual twenty people. Composition of daily family, residents, the agent, agricultural apprentices. At the top of the table, sitting in the first place my grandmother. The nurse asks me, and grandmother sits on his lap. I was always happy, laughing, so I put both feet in a small potatoes, I move them to grandma to the plate with sour milk and joyfully begin to knead the potatoes in the milk. My mother and several people coming from places gets up to take me, but Grandma does not allow ... "Do not forbid your child ... let the fun playing." More or less, passed my first years in Brzeźno.
Wieslaw Wladyslaw Mazurkiewicz Michael
My mother, Caroline of Olszowskich was born in 1886 in Niewiadowie, (family estate in Piotrkow Olszowskich - came from the nearby Olszowy) from Carolina with his mother and father Wladyslaw Zabłockich Olszowski born in 1835, heir NIEWIADÓW and the owner of the Mound and Beech.
The family tree house Olszowskich, conducted from 1376 years included the Archbishop Andrew Olszowski , who in 1677 during the interregnum, replacing the Polish King, which was cause discrete family pride Mother.
mother was the thirteenth child of his parents.

character and mentality inherited from the mother Olszowskich and Olszowscy were typical representatives of our nobility: religious, patriotic, law, straightforward, energetic and emotional - on the other hand: bossy, stubborn, violent and impulsive. Innate goodness and his heart softened much these last trait.
took the then Education: Private sets of (Polish history, its history, culture, traditions), then the salary of Mr. Sierpińska in Warsaw, spoke French and German. Grandmother Carol
Olszowska of NIEWIADÓW died at birth, ie, the thirteenth child of my Mother in 1886, brought up by Mother had taken her eldest sister was born Bronislaw Olszowska in 1863 who now regarded as the Mother of my own daughter and then my grandson, she loved and pampered beyond all bounds.

In 1903 he took a vow of my parents. My father was the nephew of "grandfather" Bronislaw, as his sister Laura Hałłaczkiewicz grandfather was my father's mother, and now my real grandmother. Parents' marriage 'done' was probably the bake Bronislawa Olszowska ie, the oldest sister, mother, mother who brought up. Grandmother believed that both sides are doing good The party, which in those days, in this environment, was considered to be quite enough for marriage. Grandma, as Olszowska hated opposition, so the marriage took place despite the extreme differences in character and temperament of parents.
A year after the wedding, in 1904 Parents directions. Mother returns to Brzeźno, where the 19th of September come into the world. "Grandmother," Bronislaw Hałłaczkiewiczowa world can not see beyond me. Even as a baby I had a one-year fixed by the position in Brzeźno grandmother. May indicate that even a picture of the times:
evening over dinner in the dining room, sitting at a long table, As usual twenty people. Composition of daily family, residents, the agent, agricultural apprentices. At the top of the table, sitting in the first place my grandmother. The nurse asks me, and grandmother sits on his lap. I was always happy, laughing, so I put both feet in a small potatoes, I move them to grandma to the plate with sour milk and joyfully begin to knead the potatoes in the milk. My mother and several people coming from places gets up to take me, but Grandma does not allow ... "Do not forbid your child ... let the fun playing." More or less, passed my first years in Brzeźno.

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