Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Neueste Version Pokemon Shiny Gold Gpsphone

"White Lady"

One year Parskach more persistent than usual, appeared in the park, the legendary "White Lady". In the place where on a small island surrounded by a moat filled with water Ner embedded on a wooden pole was old, overgrown with moss millstone - has ever even last century, jealous miller to kill an unfaithful wife.

And since then, in summer, at certain times of the year and most often when the new moon appeared in the park, a mysterious "White Lady" scaring the white and the crunch of bones daredevils who dared to stay the night in this part of the park on the Ner.

One night, my mother, without saying anything to anyone, she decided to see the mystery of the White Lady. She dressed in black, took a shotgun uncle, Nabil thicker shot and night lurked spruces near the site of the most haunted by a ghost. And indeed, at one point, among the old trees show a white figure. Moment stands still, after a while headed slowly toward the adjacent orchard park. When she started to walk away from the place of ambush, my mother cried out sharply: Stop! ... I'll shoot! The spirit faltered and turned, knocked my white robe and began ¬ quickly away, losing the bitterly some sheets. Once the spirit was quite far imposed a mother at his feet and scored twice. There was a terrible cry and the spirit in a panic flight disappeared into the darkness.

And since then ceased completely stealing apples, pears, apricots and plums in the orchard, and the poisoning of dogs in court. As a result, the whole escapade mother earned a reputation throughout the area.


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