Bytom, a beauty that unsightly. Bytom is one of the oldest towns in Silesia, which you can see a closer look at the spatial ordering of the city and its architecture. Medieval Monuments of the city for historical reasons, unfortunately, have not survived to modern times. But it still has value because of the houses built in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the beauty and diversity of style adds beauty and makes Bytomiowi map Silesian towns. But Not only buildings are the pride of this city. Monuments are also temples and cemeteries, City Park, and numerous monuments of ancient art and industry.
Unfortunately, post-war years have made enormous destruction, and the period since 1990, did not favor the restoration, rehabilitation or reconstruction of the great evidence of the rich past of Bytom. Today, only a small part of the pearls of architecture is restored, most of the different causes of waiting for the restoration of the former splendor, but unfortunately steadily deteriorating. The problem of architectural monuments of the city lies in the gradual degeneration of these objects, but also that their current state of simply discouraging to live and explore their views. Instead of providing residents and tourists a pleasant experience, decaying monuments of Bytom is still haunted.
facades of town houses should pay attention, to stimulate thinking, maybe to impress, and certainly does not disfigure. Therefore, it is important that the past is evident in Bytom in the architecture, was respected and appreciated. Therefore, Bytom branch of Law and Justice for years fighting for revitalization of old neighborhoods and monuments in the city. We prepared renewal program, which is designed to restore glory to our city not only through the restoration of architecture, but also by working to ensure residents' safety. His main points: first
Establishing a partnership with the owners of monuments, especially those nieinstytucjonalnymi (owners of houses, housing, owners of utility objects), treated with marginal particularly in all financial aid programs.
second In connection with the imposition of the municipality during the current year obligation of creating a municipal historical records, you should review the existing informal and unpublished inventories of monuments Bytom created from the beginning of the war, for example, the research needs of the various structures or monuments protection services to local plans, revitalization, and others. These sources are far from obsolete, and most inaccessible. Monuments should be eliminated to exist or which have lost their historic value, and there are many in Bytom.
third Updating the records should allow rational spatial economy of the city, especially in the downtown area, which requires the preparation of the municipal program in the care of monuments. It is very important that, in accordance with the requirements of the law on the protection of monuments, historical records is the basis for the preparation of the above program.
4th The most important task is to publish and make available by the municipality of information on sights, especially:
- a list of immovable monuments inscribed in the register
- historical records of the municipal census
- municipal program in the care of monuments and also
- a list of grants municipalities for repair and conservation at all its stages.
main problem of our city is not only the restoration or reconstruction of the architecture, but also regeneration, namely the restoration of the forgotten areas of life, to take action in the field of planning, construction, economics and social policy that will improve the functionality, aesthetics, convenience, and above all quality of life in his bytomian city. The success of regeneration depends on the cooperation with social partners, NGOs that support the activities associated with this process. All these activities must be accompanied by a revival of the social, but that is the subject of another short article. In many Polish cities, this problem is taken seriously, and their authorities have taken up the challenge and implement a recovery of degraded areas.