first rule of media: some things you should only cheat, or be silent.
eggs in cranberry sauce: 4 eggs tablespoon grated horseradish cream spoon 18% tablespoon of cranberry juice, salt colorful pepper grinder straight from Eggs Put in pot with cold water and boil for 10 minutes on hard. Mix horseradish cream and cranberry juice, seasoned with salt and pepper. Everything should be mixed candy pink color. Eggs have cool under cold water, and it is best for a few minutes, because the crust would be better to walk away, then peel, halve and pour over the sauce. Tastes yummy with crunchy bread, real butter and greased. thank many people for the kind words - it's not very much, and really gives you a kick like the morning coffee:]
day from arrival I started to write you a little report holidays, but you guessed it somehow did not work. For a lot of experience at once wkleiło me in the head so hard that I can not sensibly be described. Too much happened too after coming back so I can easily go back to the memories. But not here about it.
He kicked me and I was no small honor for a coffee invited to play, and that I am playful in the first place so let me lay out the rules that apply: I give the perpetrator of my participation in the game, praising the 10 things that I like, and invite 10 more people to externalize their "love" under the threat of damage by me (I added it herself because they must be some sanctions ...). No:]
like: 1) EAT, 2) peppermint ice cream, chocolate and lemon (preferably all three at once), 3) shank with mustard and bread, maybe even without beer, 4) sleep late and get up early, walk around the woods and collect mushrooms and heathers, 5) the smell of fried dough, 6) fresh flowers (most sunflowers), 7) different types of tea and coffee, 8) wet morning grass at my feet, 9) dance, 10) to read, write, sing , silent, to move and move. 10) Have I already told you that I love the mountains?
I would love to know what you like: ALL which you recommend, Feel So if you have not invited to your ten podzieliliście favorites:]
Now another question. Serious. Long time it was taking, but in the end there is nothing to postpone. I always wanted to help, support and be useful - no because I think after it is every man here. But what if there is in my way a situation in which I can not ... do nothing about some things, disasters or diseases do not think until we do not apply until they approach closely. This seems to be inhumane, but if we had all this worry, where would we be? Perhaps it affects us all for some reason. I wondered what I do and I was appalled own helplessness, the feeling when I realize that I do not know anything that could help in a real way. If I can not so anything that would be useful, transformation into useful what I know best. Join to the action!
October 17th is a day dedicated to fighting breast cancer. Since this disease relates to a person close to me I would launch a campaign Pink Gary, which I encourage you. The rules are simple - cook in a pink color, with the addition of pink, a pink plate, pink in the pot, etc. What? Whatever you my dear - you have so many great ideas! However, I wish that every measure has been endorsed or are your thoughts on the issue of breast cancer, or a reassuring poem, quote, song, drawing - anything that is born Your imagination. Why? My dream is to create an online cookbook, perhaps one day also be published, which in some ways dodawałaby encouragement for women with breast cancer. Because the food that gives life - as well as hope.