Life is sometimes strange. Actually, this attitude to life is sometimes strange. Isolated the gourmand in your own four walls, we bought furniture for your kitchen an exclusive, I had the adventure of working in the Turkish-Egyptian-Greek-American Bistro (sic) and his despotic head chef, who is first on the list of people that can kiss my ass. Calm, balanced the salt and sugar, some pepper subtracted. Harmonized. We plan to open something of his, so keep your fingers crossed. In any event, a break from the world did to me in the head and the heart of the order. And that's good.
We try to live ecologically and healthy. However, cold beer spoils us some ideas of healthy lajfstajlu. But something must have all of this, no? Well, yes to health, it will treat you today, my favorite pasta and Thomas - with broccoli and tuna.
PS I missed you, and you? :]
pasta with broccoli and tuna:
pasta bows, gimlets, elbows, whatever you like (just for two people, I added half a package, because we eat a lot ...)
large broccoli, or two smaller
can of tuna
oil 4-5 garlic cloves tablespoon butter
al'dente cook pasta, broccoli as well. Chopped garlic in drobniutką cubes and fry in butter so as not to zbrązowiał, because it will be bitter and nasty. Drain off tuna pieces, łączymy makaronem i z i brokułem polewamy czosnkiem z masłem. Nic not zapomniałam? No nic. No to smacznego.