contest is over, the answer was a false one, and unfortunately - not the cabbage with peas it. In any case, thank you Paula for your interest and taking the time. Kolomyya tudziez Kalyn and this is not something that washes the wheels, but a big round of applause for Aga for ingenuity. Kolomyya otherwise Kalyn is spicy meals are the hub of the cherry tree - a regional delicacy, which I had the pleasure to try during a stay in Tłustomostach, near Raciborza - in delicate taste like pork or veal (apparently, because I do not eat veal) pychota no. Maybe someday I can get the recipe, then you will surely have its share.
day without a thought. I marinated melon, I made chocolate pralines. And the stew. The red lentils. I would never have said that it would be this good, Moreover, we try:
1 bunch carrots (carrots, parsley, celery, 2 sprigs lovage and bisected and burnt onions to the dry pan)
½ cup red lentils
1 small chicken breast (or cut into cubes of tofu - the best roast)
large onion pinch of white pepper tsp
czubrzycy Green (Bulgarian spice to buy in the shops)
teaspoon tomato puree
2 dried chillies
salt to taste
greens pour water (1.5 l) and cook, after half an hour by adding salt and leave on low heat for 15 minutes. At that time I throw it in hot oil, diced chicken (obtoczyłam it over a little of maize flour, but it is not necessary) and pour boiling water over the lentils, leaving her just for 20 minutes. For the chicken I add chopped onion and wait until is soft and delicate but not zezłoci, and when this happens pour mixed prepared vegetable broth and leave it covered for about 5 minutes. Drain off lentils, adds it to the pot with chicken, onion and bouillon along with the peppers. And so, he gurgles happily until lentils fall apart thickening the sauce. At the end I add salt, pepper, and puree czubrzycy. Voila!, As Americans say - harosze food ready. I served it with noodles koperkowymi (ie normal noodles with chopped dill as one component of the dough) and red radish. Really worth a try.
Forgive me my dears today scribbler, but for a period of "przedsesyjny" last night I slept only 1.5 hours, then I went fearlessly to the small bitewkę with Dr. Jadwiga K., we appreciate very much, but I wish her to go quickly to retire ...
Finally, I would still like to congratulate some ladies here: deserved award for a week on the blog and invite this blog to that observation, because we, oh, it is worth!
night ...