Sunday, April 9, 2006

Funny Portfolio Titles

skateboard is a 'tough game' is not there any ads bent chocolate, crisps and lollipops ... Skateboarding is zajawa for people with strong characters ... Skateboarding requires sacrifice not only free time, but also health. .. the worst example of this latter aspect of love to a piece of wood became PIGOR today.
Boardslide over the gap, very spaced out in a few tries later ... and unfortunately triczku repetition. Something blocked
Pigora deck, which ran with a vengeance on a steel table ...
looked at me, smiled, said, "I'm fine," jednach the trousers a few moments after the show udarzeniu the spots of blood ... the leg curl ... and we saw this with the most terrible nightmares.
We have seen here, a deep and long wound on the height of the tibia and of course the same core kosc.hard max! The only thing
wpienil Pigor August, is the fact that he could not ride the next day on board! Damn
zajawkowicz true that smack the internal and external stitches, pain ... he worried about what he likes best, that is pure fork ... REALLY RESPECT and speedy recovery Pigor!

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Welcome And Greetings Umc

skateboard and street ... elo zajawa!

Protein Powder Ingredients Bulk Barn

'Concrete Wave of Bytomia'naszczescie no! Well could have been better for the bank, but as a prison and the guys were so nice ... Pigor wyrobili August, also has not been idle in his hard Cork, and another warm spring day greeted with a huge frontside flip quater of the bank, the ' cavernous glebie'oczywiscie, hehehe ...

Monday, April 3, 2006

Michigan Gay Cruising Parks

Team CORMAX notice also recently chosen to Berlin, but unfortunately the weather was bad, and the winter has shown us his latest frosty oddech.Nie But this was really that uncomfortable, because we were able to August poskateowac a while, eat a kilogram of mutton kebabach and especially for our colleague Paul K.zwiedzilismy-Berlin's railway stations, and several sites associated with the screen adaptation of the book Fri 'children from Zoo Station', and who, what and where we met only revealed DOSDEDOS magazines and BASE;)

Thyroxine Cause Hair Loss

Foldable DOSDEDOS is also the latest, and its pages are place performances of controversial skateboarder in a winter hat, darling girls, party-boy, at last a man for whom Peter Smolik did bluntslidea, known for his cover pages and the main role in the series' Benihana'.... Mr.Kulczynskiego.

Homemade Pond Fountain

WESTERN EDITION JAM WSK shows how many people ride their skateboards in the Lublin area (maybe I should write in Swidnik area) and how many can be done for the previews without reaching hundreds of thousands of budgets might want ... Boniek zlotych.Wystarczy with Swidnicka cool skate brigade organized a competition, even in rainy weather we could whisk on the stage in one of the local school! I am the super
zajawie, also moved into the streets of the city and the nearby skatepark (thank you Mother Nature on the photos ).... and one of the numerous guests Tom Goławski sometimes frozen 1 / 250 during bs.tailslide.
If you would like to know more about Jamie, about why TARZEEN skateparkowe loved the tree and see the amazing trick of all its glory Maziego invite you to read the new BASE U.

Letters Of Recommendation For Stylists

Jared-guy, who after a hard skate during parties weekend can sleep an hour and sit down to write essays with J.polskiego ... and even in your free time to glue such a frontside flip ... stocked my words, describing enthusiasm was at this point seriously nadszarpniety.Pozostaje only admire in silence the moment -Jared and his zajawa-vs hangover, fatigue, and almost 7demeczka!

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Watch Green Green Ep 8 Uncensored

are the things you love, which I love to do, are also classes, which due to prevailing weather outside the window I need it later ....
vegetate so, and need for life energy-light gives me a computer monitor, be chyboczaca light bulb over the bed ... because if you can ride in circles on skates and thawing of the nose ?!?!?
This time, though it is already closer than further to the warmer days, the dry asphalt and mobility to the piece Beloved boards, with no other photos already not to mention ... Again, I put the first photo with this blog, let the signal will be rather specific information about a resumption of its activity within a few days .... elni skejciki saucepan, drop by sometimes;)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Vertigo To Want To Fall

... blah, blah, blah, bla.dodam something, I might add, add, add cos.a what, what? a picture taking part in the mentor session Lublin skejcików.Ciekawe how their faces will look like in 2006 to mentor, interesting, interesting, interesting ...?

Premiere Import Mpg Red

read Today MONSTER SKATEBOARD MAGAZINE , and suddenly the text that describes the adventures of our skateboard CLICHE during the tour to Poland.
Immediately I felt warmer summers and triczki mention guys, here's mein freund Phillip Schuster, hornbeam jumping in one of Warsaw pools !.... Fred exit the frame grrrr;)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Robb White Deathwatchmp3

ETNIES WILL NOT! And here George Pyka nollie heelflip a the noseslide just when ww.zawodów.Georgea certainly meet this year on the Polish spots because appreciates On Polish hospitality, the EEO in France and should be shown because these regions is his current place of residence)

CLICK THE PHOTO IF YOU WANT TO SEE THEM IN A higher resolution homie!

Womens Butts In Spandex

... coming winter-severe winter, winter in the east, winter wypizd max.Ja still recall the summer, and I can hardly wait for the next, photos, skateboarding, new places, people ...
At this time, only snow and snow and snow, I've had enough!
dig so its archives in order not to leave you with new images that will allow you and me to survive this shit! Pictured
Chris Jurokowski HARDFLIP in Katowice.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Wholesale Chicken Wings Cost

... and here is the person with whom we had the opportunity to ride during your stay in Prague and it's not for a moment, but together We were telling the skatespotach Czech capital, drank beer, skateboarding is a great fan imprezowalismy.Poprostu which brings together people from different państw.To gives just the unique atmosphere of travel and make new acquaintances through open minds deskorolkowców! Pictured Peter Smolik if someone did not know. SK8MAFIA4LIFE ZIOOOM !

Cheap Cars Northen Ireland

slowly coming next issue of the monthly DOSDEDOS and it will talk about skateboarding with Amadeus country. Here, I present to you foretaste of what will happen in the current issue of who will greet you at your local newsstand or Empik.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Nadine Jansen Crissie

iKilka days ago I got a message from an unknown person to me in a very short time it turned out that this is Pigor aka Satanic CHILDREN aka Mr.Impossible simply no Grzesio;)
slowly started to recover from the last injury, as evidenced by a huge desire to ride it now lies deskorolce.W Lublin snow and freezing baaardzo, here are some photos from the past ...

Postpartum Panties Bangalore

... days were becoming shorter, the air smelled of rotting leaves and generally it was something like smutno.Zaczynała the fall ... followed by the worst for skaters and people walking on sidewalks and winter. The last forces pulled off
out of bed, I packed a few rags, threw a camera and went on the road, looking for last warm days 2005 roku.Podróż was not far away, but managed to take this opportunity and I made some photos MICHAEL Hasko , which were later, his profile in DOSDEDOS MAGAZINE.

Urban Outfitters Comparable 2.6

CORMAX EUROPE TOUR '05 was the last trip of more teams from the Polish skejcików zagranicę.Jezdzilismy here and there, the end result bums have been pounding the city; Budapest, Bratislava and Prague. Zajebista really fun, awesome sessions on skateboards as well .... end skateowy year!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Iron On Transfers For Colour Laser Printer

Binge event with plenty of mildly Sprite and biting of the sausage grila.Wielki coach for a full kAMUflage tration of skaters from all over Polish, and of course the whole of Poland to drive in a few days, and for dessert, the capital of Germany-Berlin.Tak looked G-SHOCK BRAUN TOWN TOUR 2005 I hope that in a year (at the moment a half) will go on tour for two coaches heheheheh.